
亚马逊品牌注册角色 在“亚马逊品牌注册”服务中注册您的品牌后,您将被分配权利人和管理员的角色,并可以添加用户和分配角色来帮助管理您的品牌。在亚马逊品牌注册中,不…





  • 权利所有者: 商标所有者或他们属下有权举报违规的员工。具有此角色的用户有权访问“举报违规行为”工具和享有页面特权。

  • 注册代理: 经权利人授权的第三方,可以使用亚马逊品牌注册工具举报违规情况。

  • 管理员: 一个有权向用户账户分配角色的人。




  1. 每个人必须创建一个“亚马逊品牌注册”用户账户并接受品牌注册条款,之后该用户账户即可获得角色。如果某用户已拥有亚马逊卖家或供应商账户,他们可以使用相同的凭证创建亚马逊品牌注册用户账户。(请注意,他们不需要提交新的品牌申请,因为品牌已获得批准。)

  2. 该品牌的管理员应访问亚马逊品牌注册的联系我们页面,并选择【更新您的品牌资料】,然后【更新用户账户的角色】。


  1. 登录亚马逊品牌注册用户账户的电子邮箱地址

  2. 与此请求相关的品牌

  3. 您想要分配给用户账户的一个或多个具体角色







我如何知道我已有什么角色? 我在哪里可以查看与我的品牌关联的用户及其角色?



Brand Registry roles

Once you enroll your brand in Amazon Brand Registry, you are assigned the role of Rights Owner and Administrator. As such, you can add users and assign roles to help manage your brand. Different roles enable varying access to tools within Brand Registry.

What roles are available and what do they do?

There are currently three roles that can be assigned to user accounts associated with your brand:

  • Rights Owner: An individual who is the trademark owner or their employee who is authorized to report violations. Users with this role have access to the Report a Violation tool and listing benefits.

  • Registered Agent: A third party who is authorized by the Rights Owner to report violations using Brand Registry tools.

  • Administrator: An individual who has permission to assign roles to user accounts.

Who can assign roles?

Only the Administrator can assign roles. The person who submitted the brand application is automatically assigned these roles.

How are roles assigned?

  1. Each individual must create a Brand Registry user account and accept the Brand Registry terms before any roles can be assigned to that user account. If a user already has a Seller or Vendor account with Amazon, they can create a Brand Registry user account with the same credentials.

    Note: They do not need to submit a new brand application since the brand is already approved.

  1. The Administrator for the brand should access the Contact Us page within Brand Registry and select Update your brand profile, then Update role for user account.

What information is required to assign a new role?

  1. The email address login of the Brand Registry user account.

  2. The brand that the request pertains to.

  3. The specific role or roles you would like to assign to the user account.

How can I remove a user account from my brand?

The Administrator of the brand can request to remove a user from a brand through the Brand Registry Contact Us page. Select Update your brand profile, then select Update role for user account. Indicate the email address login (or phone number for mobile accounts) of the Brand Registry user account and the brand that the request pertains to. All existing roles previously assigned to the user account for the brand will be removed.

Can an individual have more than one role?

Yes, individuals are not limited to the number of roles or the number of brands they can have associated to their Brand Registry user account.

Is there a limit to how many user accounts can be associated with my brand?

No, Brand Registry does not currently limit how many user accounts can be associated with a brand.

How do I know what roles I already have? Where can I view who is associated with my brand and their roles?

Please submit a case through our Contact Us page and a Brand Registry Support Associate can provide you with this information.



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