
亚马逊商城网络服务概览 如果您参与了专业销售计划,就可以免费使用亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)管理您在亚马逊上的销售业务。参与专业卖家计划的开发者也可以免…


如果您参与了专业销售计划,就可以免费使用亚马逊商城网络服务(亚马逊 MWS)管理您在亚马逊上的销售业务。参与专业卖家计划的开发者也可以免费使用亚马逊 MWS 创建可帮助卖家在亚马逊上销售商品的应用程序。

通过使用亚马逊 MWS,您可以:

  • 创建可帮助您在亚马逊上管理销售业务的应用程序或为此类应用程序授权。

  • 上传商品和库存信息。

  • 获取商品信息。

  • 接收通知和建议。

  • 下载要配送的订单。

  • 安排报告生成时间和检索报告。

亚马逊 MWS 为 API 调用者提供安全的身份验证功能。参与专业计划的卖家可以使用 MWS 授权服务授予开发者调用权。授权开发者代表您访问销售数据的权限后,该开发者可查看或编辑您的商品相关信息、以及与订单管理、配送、定价、绩效和财务相关的的信息。

亚马逊 MWS API 开放接口旨在为在亚马逊上销售的各个阶段提供方便,并实现这些阶段的自动化。

亚马逊 MWS 提供以下主要特性和功能:

  • 库存管理:您可以执行库存批量上传、添加商品、检查库存水平、查看价格信息及其他库存管理任务。

  • 订单管理:您可以下载订单信息、获取付款数据、确认订单并安排报告时间。

  • 报告管理:您可以使用亚马逊 MWS 来请求生成各种报告、查询这些报告的状态并下载它们。

  • 配送管理:您可以购买配送服务或创建和管理亚马逊物流货件。

注册亚马逊 MWS

要开始使用亚马逊 MWS,请前往用户权限,然后点击【注册亚马逊 MWS】。如果您还没有参与专业销售计划,请详细了解如何切换销售计划,以便使用亚马逊 MWS。

查看亚马逊 MWS 开发者论坛,以了解相关亚马逊 MWS 新功能通知以及更新的文档链接。





Amazon Marketplace Web Service overview

You must be registered as a Professional Seller and as an Amazon MWS Developer in order to authorize or create apps.

If you decide to use or develop apps for Seller Central,you must have a Professional selling plan and also register as an Amazon MWS developer.

As an Amazon MWS developer, you receive the MWS Auth token which is used for:

  • Using Amazon tools such as the Amazon Merchant Transport Utility and the Listing Loader.

  • Using desktop applications developed by third-party developers.

  • Using Web applications that you develop.

  • Sending requests to Amazon MWS for your own seller account.

  • Sending requests to Amazon MWS on behalf of other sellers.

    Note: In order to send requests on behalf of other sellers, you must receive the MWS Auth token from the seller in order to make the connection.

For more information about registering as a developer, visit Registering to use Amazon MWS - Registering as a developer.

If you have a Professional selling plan, you can use Amazon Marketplace Web Service (Amazon MWS) free of charge to manage your selling business on Amazon. Developers with a Professional seller plan can also use Amazon MWS free of charge to create applications that help sellers sell on Amazon.

As an Amazon MWS developer you can perform the following functions:

  • Create or authorize applications that help manage selling on Amazon.

  • Upload product and inventory information.

  • Get product information.

  • Receive notifications and recommendations.

  • Download orders for fulfillment.

  • Schedule and retrieve reports.

Amazon MWS provides secure authentication of API callers. Professional plan sellers can delegate calling rights to developers using the MWS authorization service. When authorizing a developer to access selling data on your behalf, that developer may view or edit your information pertaining to product listing, order management, shipping, pricing, performance, and financial information.

The Amazon MWS API functions are designed to facilitate and automate the stages of the business process for selling on Amazon.

Amazon MWS provides the following major features:

  • Inventory management: You can perform batch uploads of inventory, add products, check inventory levels, examine pricing information, and perform other inventory management tasks.

  • Order management: You can download order information, obtain payment data, acknowledge orders, and schedule reports.

  • Reports management: You can use Amazon MWS to request generation of a variety of reports, query their status, and then download them.

  • Shipping management: You can buy shipping services or create and manage Fulfillment by Amazon shipments.

Sign up for Amazon MWS

To get started with Amazon MWS, go to User Permissions and click Sign up for Amazon MWS. If you are not already on a Professional selling plan, learn more about switching your selling plan to access Amazon MWS.

Check the Amazon MWS developer forum for announcements of new Amazon MWS functionality and updated documentation links.

Use the Marketplace Appstore

The Marketplace Appstore is a centralized location to discover applications to help automate, manage and grow your selling on Amazon business.

You can purchase apps through the developers’ website. All transactions are directly between you (the seller) and the developer of this application. Developers can set their own policies on pricing, usage, and cancellation related to this application. Because Amazon isn't directly involved in the development or sale of this application, you will need to contact the developer for any technical support or customer service questions.



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