
当交易过程中出现纠纷时,卖家首先要稳住自己的心态,妥善处理。下面罗列几个可以参考的应急处理模板。 1.纠纷平台介入处理,提交证明:运单查询记录,包裹图,沟通记录…



Dear friend,

Sorry that buyer haven't receive the package,

1st,we sent the package on time, maybe china post air mail office have the tracking problem,just have the foremost record, but it's load on the internet, just no update;

(Attachment 1 : tracking record)

2nd, we sent the package by well pack with the right address;(Attachment 2: package picture)

3rd, after buyer apply the dispute,we communicate immediately, it's on the way,please waitpatient.

(Attachment 3: communicate record)Thanks for your work and judge.


Dear friend,

sorry that buyer haven't receive the package,

lst, we sent the package on time,maybe china post air mail office have the tracking problem,just have the foremost record, but it's load on the internet, just no update;

(Attachment 1: tracking record)

2nd, we sent the package by well pack with the right address;(Attachment 2: package picture)

Thanks for your work and judge.


Dear friend,

Thanks for your order,we feel very sorry that we made mistake for your parcel,your trackingnumber is RB498800732CN, it already arrive Kuwaiti think you will receive soon, the parcel onlyhave one bag, we missed one bag for you,today we will send you another parcel and a gift for ourmistakc, and sorry for let you wait again, hope can get your understanding and support, thank you .


Dear friend,

lt's great you have received the order, at same time fell sorry that zipper make you not satisfied,we confirmed that you are correct, the picture is gold and you got is black, we even not found afterreceived your feedback, so thanks very much, this time factory made all black bag with black zipper,so we will retake the picture and renew for the bag; for your order, i would like to see your opinion,what can we do for you, we will try to meet your request.

Best regards


Dear friend,

Thanks for your order and feedback, we feel regret that our goods have poor quality and let youdisappoint, We have two suggestions first one is resend you, second is refund if resend, we will resendthis week.But need some days to deliver,sorry for waiting again,if you satisfy with our servicewould you please give us five star feedbacks?


Dear friend,

This is XX from AliExpress,you have an order in our store, order number is:602968, this is thelink:XXXXX.

Sorry that the tracking number cannot tracked, we would like to resend you or refund you, whichyou prefer?

lf for resend, we will resend you this week,and let you know the new tracking number,if forrefund, if possible you have PayPal account?

As for buyer we understand you paid but now get the parcel, as for seller we lost the goods andnot get the money.

We both troubled by the bad shipping,if possible would you please leave us 5 star positivefeedback? Your supporting is our motivation to do better, thanks very much!

We are good seller, want all buyers have nice shopping experience, when you shopping next timeplease leave us message, we will give you extra gift, welcome shopping next time^_^.

Best Regards ^_^.


Dear friend,

This is XXX from AliExpress,you bought a gold watch in our store,your order numberis:6028473968, this is the link: sorry that you still have not receive them,we checked your parcelkeeping update,it's on the way now, we extended 30 days for your order,still have time to wait,weunderstand you as buyer paid not receive the item, as for seller we sent but we do not get money yet.

We both troubled by the bad shipping, please understand us,just give us some time.

Would you please agree to cancel the dispute, after time finish still not receive, if really you can'treceive the parcel, we will send you again or refund, We a good seller, please don't worry.

Thanks for your understanding and support.This is the tracking link: XXXXX.Best Regards^_^.




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