TForce 可选保险项目
对任何货件的丢失、残损、延误或任何其他索赔所承担的最大责任限额为 5,000.00 美元。
要针对丢失或残损的包裹提出索赔,请拨打 855-396-2639 联系 TForce 客户支持。
FedEx 可选保险项目
如果没有申报价值,FedEx 对遗失、残损、延误或任何其他索赔所承担的最大责任限制为 100.00 美元或每磅 9.07 美元(以较大者为准)。如果您的货件价值超过 100.00 美元,您可以申报高达 50,000.00 美元的价值并支付额外费用。FedEx Express 和 FedEx Ground 服务对申报价值的每 100.00 美元收取 0.90 美元的额外费用,对货件价值超过 100.00 美元的部分,最低收费为 2.70 美元。
要向 FedEx 申请遗失或残损包裹的索赔,请访问 FedEx Claims Online 。
向 UPS 提出索赔
如果包裹丢失或残损,您可以致电 1-800-877-1497 或在线向 UPS 提出索赔。
大多数退款请求会在 14 天内得到处理。
经由 U-PIC 的 USPS 包裹保险
从 USPS 购买配送服务时,您还可以通过 U-PIC 购买价值高达 5,000 美元的额外保险。
对快递邮件,USPS 自动提供 100 美元保险,无需额外费用。
对优先邮件,USPS 自动提供 50 美元保险,无需额外费用。
如果包裹遗失,您必须等待 30 天才能提出索赔。
要提出 U-PIC 索赔,请阅读 U-PIC/亚马逊保险覆盖范围规则并遵循 U-PIC 索赔说明。
要向 USPS 提出快递邮件第一部分价值 100 美元或优先邮件第一部分价值 50 美元的保险索赔,请转至 USPS 网站上的提出索赔。
DHL 美国至墨西哥国际特快责任范围
按照国际条约的规定,对于国际空运货件的丢失或残损,DHL 承担的最大责任不超过约 26.00 美元/千克。DHL 对于因延误导致的货件残损或丢失不承担任何责任。如果想要获得更多货件丢失或残损保障,您可以申报更高的价值并支付额外的货件保价费。
对于从美国和美属领土发出的货件,货件保价费最低为 3.00 美元,1.00 美元的保价费对应 100.00 美元的赔偿。货件保价的责任范围不包括间接丢失或残损,也不包括因延误导致的残损。
货件保价金额超过 50,000.00 美元货件必须获得 DHL 的预先批准。DHL 愿意考虑此类保价申请,但是没有义务批准这些申请。
DHL 墨西哥国内快递保险范围
DHL 提供了用于为运输中的货件购买附加险的选项。对于申报价值不超过 6,500 墨西哥比索的所有货件,DHL 将收取的附加险费最低为 65 墨西哥比索 + 增值税。对于申报价值超过 6,500 墨西哥比索的商品,保险费将为申报价值的 1% + 增值税。保险费最高限额为 700,000 墨西哥比索。请注意,在输入申报价值时,即使申报的价值再高,DHL 的索赔付款也仅限于商品的重置价值。
Optional coverage for loss or damage
Select a carrier below to see optional coverage for loss or damage.
TForce Optional Coverage
The maximum liability for loss, damage, delay, or any other claim with regard to any shipment is limited to US$5,000.00.
To file a claim for a lost or damaged package contact TForce Customer Support at 855-396-2639.
FedEx Optional Coverage
The FedEx maximum liability for loss, damage or delay, or any other claim with regard to any shipment is limited to US$100.00 or US$9.07 per pound (whichever is greater) if no value is declared. If the value of your shipment exceeds US$100.00, you can declare a value of up to US$50,000.00 and pay an additional fee. FedEx Express and FedEx Ground services charge an additional US$0.90 per US$100.00 of declared value and for shipments valued in excess of US$100.00, the minimum charge is US$2.70.
To file a claim with FedEx for a lost or damaged package visit FedEx Claims Online.
File a Claim with UPS
To file a claim for a lost or damaged package, you can call 1-800-877-1497 or file a claim with UPS online.
To help avoid negative feedback or an A-to-z Guarantee claim, promptly ship your orders, or if you are unable to fulfill an order, issue a refund as soon as possible.
Most refund requests are processed within 14 days.
USPS Package Insurance via U-PIC
When you buy shipping services from USPS, you can also buy up to $5,000 in additional insurance through U-PIC.
For Express Mail, USPS automatically provides $100 of insurance at no additional charge.
For Priority Mail, USPS automatically provides $50 of insurance at no additional charge.
We recommend typing the Shipping ID into the Seller memo section of the Order Detail page, so you will be able to easily find it if you want to file a claim. The Shipping ID is under the barcode on the actual shipping label.
File a claim
If a package is damaged, you can file a claim as soon as the buyer informs you of the damage.
If a package is lost, you must wait 30 days before filing a claim.
To file a U-PIC claim, read the U-PIC / Amazon Coverage Rules and follow the U-PIC Claim Instructions.
To file a claim with USPS for the first $100 of Express Mail insurance or for the first $50 of Priority Mail insurance, go to File a Claim on the USPS website.
DHL express US to MX coverage
DHL's maximum liability for loss or damage of international air shipments is limited to approximately $26.00 per kilogram under international treaty. DHL has no liability for damage or loss caused by delays. For additional coverage for shipment loss or damage, you can declare a higher value and pay an additional fee for Shipment Value Protection.
For shipments originating in the U.S. and U.S. Territories, Shipment Value Protection will be provided at a cost of $1.00 per $100.00 of coverage, with a minimum charge of $3.00. Shipment Value Protection does not cover indirect loss or damage, or loss or damage caused by delays.
Shipment Value Protection over $50,000.00 per shipment must be pre-approved by DHL. DHL is willing to consider these requests, but is under no obligation to approve them.
DHL express MX domestic coverage
DHL provides the option to contract additional insurance for your shipment while in transit. DHL will charge a minimum of MXN 65 + VAT for additional insurance coverage for all shipments with a declared value less or equal to MXN 6,500. For items with a declared value over MXN 6,500 the insurance charge will amount to 1% of the declared value + VAT. Insurance coverage is capped at total value of MXN 700,000. When entering a declared value, note that DHL limits payments on claims to the replacement value of the item even if the declared value is higher.