
使用买家与卖家消息联系买家 使用“买家与卖家消息”页面,可以在需要更多信息来完成订单或回复客户服务问题时联系买家。 如果贵公司有多人负责与买家沟通,需先行启用他…






  1. 在【订单】选项卡上,选择【管理订单】。

  2. 找到您要联系的买家所下的订单。

  3. 在【订单详情】列中可以打开【联系买家】页面时,单击买家名称。

  4. 执行以下操作之一:以上步骤不适用于已取消的订单。如果买家对取消流程有意见或问题,应使用“联系我们”表单联系客户服务。

    • 使用卖家账户: 在下一页上,选择联系原因,填写消息,然后单击【发送】。

    • 使用电子邮件: 在“买家与卖家消息”页面上的【收件人】字段中,复制买家的加密电子邮件地址。然后打开您的电子邮件并使用此地址联系买家。买家仍然无法看到您的电子邮件地址。

Delays: 如果您的电子邮件服务商向亚马逊发送的消息有延迟,则“买家与卖家消息”页面的消息显示也会有延迟。

Rejected email: 在向买家发送电子邮件时,如果您使用的不是已注册的买家与卖家消息电子邮件地址或其他获批准的电子邮件地址,您的消息将被拒收。您可以先启用要使用的电子邮件地址,然后再重新发送消息。要启用或拦截某个地址,请前往消息权限页面。


Contact a buyer using Buyer-Seller Messages

The Buyer-Seller Messages page enables you to contact customers when you need more information to complete an order or to respond to customer service questions.

If more than one person in your business handles buyer communications, you will need to enable their email addresses before they can communicate with your buyers. To enable or block an address, go to the Messaging Permissions page.

On the Contact Buyer page, certain contact reasons will be available for you to select based on the order status and specific product categories.

To contact a buyer, follow these steps:

  1. On the Orders tab, select Manage Orders.

  2. Locate the order that you want to contact the buyer about.

  3. In the Order Details column, click the name of the buyer when it is available to open the Contact Buyer page.

  4. Do one of the following:The above steps do not apply to Canceled Orders. For discrepancies or questions about the cancellation process, the buyer should contact Customer Service using the Contact Us form.

    • Using your seller account: On the next page, select the contact reason, complete the message, and click Send.

    • Using your email: In the To field on the Buyer-Seller Messages page, copy the buyer’s encrypted email address. Then go to your email and use this address to contact the buyer. The buyer still won’t be able to see your email address.

Delays: If your email provider delays sending messages to Amazon, the Buyer-Seller Messages page will reflect this delay.

Rejected email: If you send an email to a buyer that doesn't come from either your registered Buyer-Seller Messaging email address or from another approved email address, your message will be rejected. You can resend the message after you enable the email address you want to use. To enable or block an address, go to the Messaging Permissions page.



声明: 该内容为作者独立观点,不代表《一号券》观点或立场,版权归原作者所有,未经允许不得转载。 《一号券》平台仅提供信息存储服务,如发现文章、图片等侵权行为,本站不承担侵权责任。 如对本稿件有异议或投诉,请联系:business@yihaoquan.com



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