以下是您遇到这种情况时可以采取的几种处理方式。无论您选择哪种方式,买家都仍有可能对此次交易给出负面反馈。要处理负面反馈 , 请参阅我可以如何处理负面反馈?上的帮助页面
为未收到的商品退款是最有利于买家的解决方案。但是 , 在发起退款前 , 请执行以下操作 :
买家可在以下时间范围内提出索赔:从最迟预计送达日期后 3 个日历日或订单日期后 30 天(以时间较早者为准)开始,到最迟预计送达日期或服务日期后 90 天为止。但对于超出此时间范围提出的索赔,亚马逊保留接受权利。
对于大部分美国承运人(UPS、USPS、FedEx、DHL),运费中已经包含货件追踪成本(包括 USPS 平邮和媒介商品邮递服务货件)。如果您通过亚马逊的配送服务来购买配送服务,则可以免费使用追踪服务。
注意: 如果您销售【办公用品】或【鞋靴】类商品,则需要为 95% 的美国货件提供有效追踪编码。
最周到的方法是为未收到的商品发放退款。如果原始订单在您退款后送达,亚马逊可向买家重新收费(需获得他们的批准)。有关全额退款和部分退款的信息 , 请参阅发放全额退款和发放部分退款上的帮助页面。
注意: 如果您想要就亚马逊向买家发放退款的决定提出申诉,则通过卖家电子商务交易保证 (SAFE-T) 流程,您可以提出赔偿索赔。如果亚马逊确定您不是过错方,那么您可能会获得相应赔偿,具体由亚马逊自行决定。要了解更多信息 , 请参阅提出赔偿 (SAFE-T) 索赔。
要了解如何处理亚马逊物流 (FBA) 订单的退货和退款,请参阅亚马逊物流订单的买家退货。
对于亚马逊物流订单 , 请让买家联系亚马逊客户服务。
What if a buyer says they didn't receive their order?
If a buyer says that they didn't receive an order, you and your customer service policy ultimately determine how you will handle it. All sellers are expected to demonstrate a high level of customer service. We encourage you to work with the buyer to reach a mutually agreeable solution.
Below are some ways you can handle this situation. Regardless of which option you choose, the buyer might still post negative feedback for the transaction. To handle negative feedbacks, refer to the help page on What can I do about negative feedback?
The most customer-friendly solution is to issue a refund for a product that was not received. However, before initiating a refund, perform the following:
Ask the buyer to wait a bit longer for the order to arrive
See Contact a buyer to learn how to initiate communication. If you choose this option, be aware that the buyer might file an A-to-z Guarantee claim. Click here to know more about A-to-z Guarantee claims and how to Respond to an A-to-z Guarantee claim notification.
Buyers can file a claim 3 calendar days after the maximum estimated delivery date or 30 days after the order date, whichever is earlier. They have 90 days from the maximum estimated delivery date or date of service to file a claim. However, Amazon reserves the right to accept claims after that time frame.
Contact your shipping carrier
If an order is lost in transit or shipped to the wrong address, sometimes you can get help from your shipping carrier. If you purchased package tracking or insurance, the carrier might be able to help find the package or file an insurance claim. If you did not get tracking information, your carrier might have other options available to help find the package.
We encourage you to use tracking when you ship packages. Tracking can significantly reduce the costs associated with a lost shipment. It is also your best protection for A-to-z Guarantee claims.
For most US carriers (UPS, USPS, FedEx, DHL), shipment tracking is already built into the cost to ship (including USPS First Class and Media Mail shipments). If you purchase shipping through Amazon's Shipping Service, tracking is added free of charge.
Note: If you sell in the Office Products or Shoes categories, you must provide valid tracking numbers for 95% of US shipments.
Ship or drop-ship a replacement order at your cost
If you choose this option, issue a refund, and then ask the buyer to reorder the product. Although this might cause a financial loss to your business, it’s good customer service. If the original order arrives, you can arrange a return with the buyer.
Refund the buyer
The most considerate approach is to issue a refund for a product that was not received. If the original order arrives after you've made a refund, Amazon can recharge the customer (with their authorization). For information about full and partial refunds, refer to the Help pages on Issue a full refund and Issue a partial refund.
Note: The Seller Assurance for e-Commerce Transactions (SAFE-T) process allows you to file a claim for reimbursement if you want to appeal Amazon's decision to issue a refund to a customer. At Amazon's sole discretion, you may be issued a reimbursement in cases where Amazon determines that you were not at fault. To know more, refer File a reimbursement (SAFE-T) claim.
Refund for an FBA order
To learn about how returns and refunds are handled for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) orders, see Customer returns for orders fulfilled by Amazon.
For FBA orders, refer the buyer to Amazon Customer Service.