
发放退款 发放退款 在本页面: 发放全额退款 发放部分退款 要查找待发放退款的订单,请按照以下步骤操作: 在卖家平台中,转至【订单】并选择【管理退货】,然后在管…




  • 发放全额退款

  • 发放部分退款


  1. 在卖家平台中,转至【订单】并选择【管理退货】,然后在管理卖家自配送退货页面或通过卖家平台中【订单】选项卡下的【管理订单】菜单找到您想要退款的订单。有关查找订单的更多信息,请参阅搜索订单。

  1. 在管理卖家自配送退货页面中找到您的订单后,点击【发放退款】。或者,在【管理订单】页面上,点击【订单编号】,然后点击【订单详情】页面上的【订单退款】。系统会将您转到【订单退款】页面。

    注意: 【订单退款】按钮仅适用于已发货订单。

在发放优惠或退款时,卖家可以创建“卖家备注”。借助“卖家备注”选项,您可以追踪对订单执行的操作,并对后续步骤做出提示。备注不得超过 255 个字符,您可以根据需要继续添加新信息或删除旧信息。



  1. 在【订单退款】页面的【退款金额】列下,退货商品将自动默认设为【全额退款】。

    • 必填: 选择合适的退款原因。

    • 必填: 在【出库配送】行项目上,为出库配送选择【退款】方框。

    • 选填: 添加“卖家备注”。这样,您可以追踪自己对订单执行的操作。

  1. 点击【提交退款】。

数据更新最长需要 15 分钟。提交退款后,系统将自动关闭所有相关的买家退货请求。您可以从【管理退货】的已完成订单部分联系买家。




重要: 您需要在收到退货后的两个工作日内发放退款。如果您未处理退款,亚马逊将代您为买家退款并从您的卖家账户中扣除相应金额。

如果亚马逊代表您批准您认为不应批准的退货或退款,您可以提出申诉。有关详细信息,请参阅卖家自配送网络 (MFN) 中的预付费退货标签 (PRL) 赔偿政策


  1. 在【订单退款】页面上

    • 必填: 选择合适的退款原因。

    • 必填: 在【出库配送】行项目上,为出库配送选择【退款】方框。

    • 选填: 对于在退货期限过后申请的退货以及残损/丢失/存在重大差异的退货商品,收取重新入库费。

    • 选填: 对于您不想退款的商品,请在【收费重新入库费】页面上取消选择【我想要为此商品退款】。

    • 选填: 针对使用亚马逊预付费退货标签的买家过失退货收取退货运费。

    • 选填: 添加“卖家备注”。这样,您可以追踪自己对订单执行的操作。

  2. 要收取重新入库费,请点击【退款金额】列下的【收取重新入库费】链接。

    • 您需要对退货商品的状况进行评级,才能收取重新入库费。在【退货商品的评级状况】部分中,对退货商品、配件和包装的状况进行评级。

    • 对于在退货期限过后接受的退货,请选择【在退货期限过后配送的商品】

    • 您可以选择通过收取重新入库费来发放部分退款。重新入库费必须符合收取重新入库费指南政策。

    • 如果重新入库费大于或等于 20%,则您需要上传残损、有缺陷或存在重大差异的商品照片。

  1. 要向买家收取退货运费,请点击【订单退款】页面的【其他退款/费用】部分下的【收费金额】方框。

    注意: 【收费金额】选项仅适用于使用亚马逊预付费退货标签申请的买家过失退货。

  1. 点击【提交退款】。

数据更新最长需要 15 分钟。提交退款后,系统将自动关闭所有相关的买家退货请求。您可以从【订单】菜单中的【管理退货】的已完成订单部分联系买家。买家可以选择为余额发起新的退货请求。




Issue a refund

Issue a refund

On this page:

  • Issue a full Refund

  • Issue a partial Refund

To locate an Order to issue a refund, follow these steps:

  1. In Seller Central, go to Order and select Manage Returns, and locate the order you want to refund on the Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns page or through the Manage Orders menu under Orders tab in Seller Central. For more information about locating an order, see Search Orders.

  1. After locating your order from the Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns page, click Issue Refund. Alternatively, from the Manage Orders page, click the Order ID and then click Refund order on the Order Details page. This will take you to the Refund order page.

    Note: The Refund order button is available only for Shipped orders.

Sellers can create a "Note to yourself" when issuing concessions or refunds. The "Note to yourself" option allows you to track the actions you have taken on an order and includes reminders for next steps. The memo accepts 255 characters and you may continue to add new information or remove old information as needed.

Issue a full refund

To issue a full refund, follow these steps:

  1. On the Refund order page, under the Amount to refund column, the returned item will automatically default to the Refund full amount.

    • Required: Select the appropriate Reason for refund.

    • Required: On the Outbound shipping line item, select the box to Refund for outbound shipping.

    • Optional: Add a "Note to yourself". This enables you to track the actions you have taken on an order.

  2. Click Submit refund.

Allow up to 15 minutes for the data to be updated. Submitting the refund will automatically close any associated buyer return requests. You can contact the buyer from the closed orders section of Manage Returns.

For information about Amazon fees that are refunded to you after you issue a refund, see Refund Credits and Administration Fees. To refund associated tax amounts, see How to refund tax.

Issue a partial refund

In circumstances when a buyer returns an item because they changed their mind, and Amazon charged your account upfront for return shipping (occurs when buyer uses Amazon’s Prepaid returns for seller fulfilled orders), you may issue a partial refund to cover the cost of return shipping. Refer Return Reason codes for Prepaid Returns for more information. In some cases, you may also issue a partial refund by charging a restocking fee in accordance with the Guidelines for charging restocking fees.

Important: You are required to issue a refund within two business days of receipt of a return. If you do not take action regarding the refund, Amazon might refund the customer on your behalf and charge the amount to your seller account.

You can file an appeal if Amazon authorized a return or refund on your behalf that you do not believe should have been authorized. For details, see Reimbursement policy for Prepaid Return Labels (PRL) in the Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN)

To issue a partial refund, follow these steps:

  1. On the Refund Order page

    • Required: Select the appropriate Reason for refund.

    • Required: On the Outbound shipping line item, select the box to Refund for outbound shipping.

    • Optional: Charge a restocking fee for returns made outside of the return window and for damaged/missing/materially different returned items.

    • Optional: For items that you do not want to refund, unselect I want to refund this unit on the Charge restocking fee page.

    • Optional: Charge for return shipping for buyer faulted returns made with Amazon’s prepaid return label.

    • Optional: Add a "Note to yourself". This enables you to track the actions you have taken on an order.

  2. To charge a restocking fee, click on the Charge restocking fee link under the Amount to refund column.

    • You will be required to grade the condition of the returned item in order to charge a restocking fee. In the Grade condition of returned item section, grade the condition of the Item, Accessories, and Packaging returned.

    • For returns accepted outside of the return widow, select Item shipped outside of return window

    • You have the option to issue a partial refund by charging a restocking fee. Restocking fees must be in accordance to the Guidelines for charging restocking fees policy.

    • For restocking fees greater than or equal to 20%, you will be required to upload a photo of the damaged, defective, or materially different item.

  1. To charge a buyer for their return shipping, click on the Charge amount box under the Additional Refunds/Charges section of the Refund Order page.

    Note: The Charge amount option is available only for buyer faulted returns made using Amazon’s Prepaid return label.

  2. Click Submit Refund.

Allow up to 15 minutes for the data to be updated. Submitting the refund will automatically close any associated buyer return requests. You can contact the buyer from the closed orders section of Manage Returns available in the Orders menu. The buyer has the option to open a new return request for the remaining amount.

For information about Amazon fees that are refunded to you after you issue a refund, see Refund Credits and Administration Fees. To refund associated tax amounts, see How to refund tax.

You can file an appeal if Amazon authorized a return or refund on your behalf that you do not believe should have been authorized. For details, see Appeal a return.



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