
发放优惠 发放优惠 在本页面: 发放优惠 退款和优惠 优惠账单 处理买家优惠 优惠和卖家绩效 发放优惠 当订单出现问题时,卖家有时可能想以补偿的形式替代发放退款…




  • 发放优惠

  • 退款和优惠

  • 优惠账单

  • 处理买家优惠

  • 优惠和卖家绩效




  • 退货运费

  • 其他退款





  1. 在【订单退款】页面上

    • 必填: 选择合适的退款原因。

    • 必填: 在“出库配送”行项目上,为出库配送选择【退款】方框。

    • 选填: 添加“卖家备注”。这样,您可以追踪自己对订单执行的操作。

  2. 在【退款金额】框中输入“退货运费”和/或“其他退款”优惠金额。

    注意: 针对【退货运费】的【退款金额】选项仅适用于使用亚马逊预付费退货标签的卖家过错退货。

    • “最高金额”列将显示金额限值

  1. 点击【提交退款】按钮。

数据更新最长需要 15 分钟。




在“交易详情”屏幕中,“其他”退款金额给出了订单退款和优惠的明细。在此视图中,运费退款将显示为“运费”,退货运费优惠将显示为“其他”交易。另外,“退货运费优惠”和“其他优惠”将汇总到一个“其他”行项目中。如果您发放了 $10 的“退货运费优惠”和 $20 的“其他优惠”,则会在“其他”金额中看到 $30。







Issue Concessions

On this page:

  • Issue Concessions

  • Refunds and Concessions

  • Billing for Concessions

  • Concessions Processing for Buyers

  • Concessions and Seller Performance

Issue Concessions

Sellers may occasionally want to compensate buyers for order issues aside fromas an alternative to or in addition to refunding basic order costs. When a buyer receives a defective item, for example, the seller may cover the cost of return shipping in order to retrieve the item. If a buyer is disappointed in not receiving the color of item they expected but they are willing to keep the item, a seller may choose to make a monetary concession to the buyer.

Sellers must have sufficient funds in order to issue a concession. Both the full and partial refund options in Manage Orders allow sellers to make concessions to buyers. There are line items for two types of concessions:

  • Return shipping

  • Additional refunds

When a concession is issued, the full amount of the concession will be debited from the seller's account.

Refunds and Concessions

On the Refund order screen, concession line items will show specific maximum amounts for the Return Shipping and Additional refunds fields.

To issue a concession from the Refund order screen, follow these steps:

  1. On the Refund Order page

    • Required: Select the appropriate Reason for refund.

    • Required: On the Outbound shipping line item, select the box to Refund for outbound shipping.

    • Optional: Add a "Note to yourself". This enables you to track the actions you have taken on an order.

  2. Enter the amount of the Return shipping and/or Additional refunds concession into the Amount to refund box

    Note: The Refund amount option for Return Shipping is available only for Seller faulted returns made using Amazon’s Prepaid return label.

    • Limits are displayed in the Max Amount column

  1. Click the Submit Refund button.

Allow up to 15 minutes for the data to be updated.

Billing for Concessions

Concessions are processed in relation to a specific order. However, because concessions are not refunds of order costs, concessions are not adjusted for order-related Amazon fees. Such adjustments are only made when original order amounts (such as product price and shipping) are refunded to the buyer. Accordingly, the full amount of the concession is debited from the seller account.

Concessions are displayed in the "Other" line-item on the Payments Summary page. The "Other" line-item in the Summary view also includes refunds of order costs not displayed separately in the summary, such as shipping. Therefore, a shipping refund and a return shipping concession for the same order will be aggregated on your summary.

In the Transaction Details display, the "Other" refund amount gives a breakdown of order refunds and concessions. In this view, a shipping refund will be displayed as "Shipping" while a return shipping concession will be displayed as an "Other" transaction. In addition, Return Shipping Concessions and Other Concessions are consolidated in a single "Other" line-item. If you issue a $10 Return Shipping Concession and a $20 Other Concession, you will see a $30 "Other" amount.

Concession amounts will be debited from the seller's account and balanced against available funds. Negative account balances may be handled in any manner permitted under the terms of your selling agreement.

Concession Processing for Buyers

Concessions are issued to the payment instrument the buyer used for their order. This means that the buyer will see a credit on their statement if they used a credit card for the order. If the buyer used both a credit card and an Amazon gift card or gift certificate for their order, the concession amount will be applied to the credit card. If both a concession amount and an order refund are issued, the buyer will see two entries on their statement.

Concessions and Seller Performance

Concessions do not contribute to the refund percentage in your seller performance metrics. If one or more products in an order are fully refunded, then the order is counted as a refunded order and is included in your Refund Rate.



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