
批准退货请求 如果买家请求退货,亚马逊会向您发送一封电子邮件,说明买家的退货原因。如果买家的请求不符合我们的退货政策,我们会发送电子邮件告知您。请参阅不符合政策…



重要: 对于专业卖家,亚马逊会自动批准符合亚马逊退货政策的退货。为确保买家获得一致体验,您必须至少提供与亚马逊退货政策同等或更加优惠的退货政策。


  1. 在卖家平台中,选择【订单】,然后点击【管理退货】。或者访问管理卖家自配送退货。

  • 要批准单个退货请求,请选择要审核的请求。系统将提示您使用由亚马逊生成的退货商品授权 (RMA) 编码,或输入您自定义的退货商品授权编码。


    注意: 您于所在地收到退货货件时,相应货件会包含装箱单退货商品授权编码,以帮助您识别退货货件。默认情况下,发送的是非预付费退货标签。您可选择使用亚马逊生成的未付费退货标签,或上传您自定义的预付费退货标签。使用亚马逊标签时,系统会自动在标签上生成您的退货地址。



  1. 要同时批准多个退货请求,请选择您要审核的请求。在【管理退货】页面上,从下拉菜单中选择【批准所有选择的退货】。


    注意: 个人卖家和收到不符合政策的请求的专业卖家也可以选择自动批准退货请求。在这些情况下,亚马逊将向买家发放未付费标签。SKU 被豁免参加预付费计划的专业卖家可以选择手动审核或自动批准豁免 SKU 的退货请求。

重要: 通常而言,我们的退货期限为 30 天。但时间可能会因商品分类而有所不同。在批准退货请求后,您需要等到退货期限结束后再等待 15 天的运输时间,以便买家退回商品。


Authorize a return request

When a buyer requests a return, Amazon will send you an email stating the reason for the return. If the buyer's request does not comply with our return policies, we will inform you in the email. See Out-of-Policy return requests for more information.

Important: For professional sellers, Amazon automatically authorizes returns that fall within Amazon’s return policy. To ensure a consistent experience for buyers, you must match or exceed Amazon's return policies.

Individual sellers that opt for manual authorization and Professional sellers that receive out-of-policy requests have the option to manually review requests. To do so:

  1. In Seller Central, select Orders and, then click Manage Returns. Or visit Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns.

  2. To authorize a single return request, select the request you want to review. You will be prompted to either use the Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number generated by Amazon or enter a custom RMA number of your own.

    When you approve a buyer's return request, Amazon sends the buyer a return label with an address. They will see this RMA number on the return authorization slip below the return label.

    Note: When you receive a return shipment at your facility, the shipment will include a packing slip RMA number to help you identify the return. By default, the return label is not prepaid. You will have the option to use either an Amazon-generated unpaid return label, or upload your own custom prepaid return label. With the Amazon label, your return address is automatically generated on the label.

    For more information, see Upload a prepaid return label.

    To change your address, go to your Account Info under Settings in Seller Central and, then click Return Address. If your returns are under manual authorization, you will be prompted to choose a return address. You will have the option to use either one of your previously saved return addresses or to add a new return address. See Set your default return address for additional information.

  3. To authorize multiple return requests at the same time, select the requests you like to review. On the Manage Returns page, select Authorize all selected returns from the dropdown menu.

    To receive return request emails with links to authorize, close, or reply, you can configure your settings by selecting Settings, clicking Return Settings, and then selecting the related checkbox. See Set your return preferences for more information.

    Note: Individual sellers and Professional sellers that receive out-of-policy requests also have the option to automatically authorize return requests. In these instances, Amazon will issue an unpaid label to the buyer. Professional sellers that have SKUs exempted from the prepaid program will have the option to either manually review or automatically authorize return requests for the exempted SKUs.

Important: Generally, our return window is open for 30 days. But the timing may vary based on the product category. Following authorization of a return request, you need to wait till the return window closure followed by a transit time of 15 days for a buyer to return an item.



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