
关闭退货请求 重要: 在您批准请求后,即使买家没有退回商品,您也无需执行其他操作。关闭退货请求仅适用于不符合预付费退货条件的退货。有关更多信息,请参阅…


重要: 在您批准请求后,即使买家没有退回商品,您也无需执行其他操作。关闭退货请求仅适用于不符合预付费退货条件的退货。有关更多信息,请参阅卖家自配送订单的预付费退货。



  1. 在卖家平台中,选择【订单】,然后点击管理卖家自配送退货。

  2. 在【需要批准】选项卡下,选择关闭请求的【退货原因】,点击【关闭请求】,然后向买家提供备注。






Close a return request

Important: Once you authorize a request, there is no further action required, even if the buyer does not return the item. Closing a return request only applies for returns not eligible for prepaid returns. For additional information, see Prepaid returns for seller-fulfilled orders.

Close the return request if you plan to provide a refund without requiring the product's return. Furthermore, close the request if you decide not to accept the return because it is outside of Amazon return policies. For example, the return window has expired.

To close a return request:

  1. In Seller Central, select Orders, then click Manage Seller Fulfilled Returns.

  2. Under the Authorization Required tab, select the Return Reason for closing the request, click Close request, and provide comments to the buyer.

    Once the request is closed, Amazon will send the buyer a message with the closure reason. A buyer also can close a return request. You will receive an email notification when a buyer closes a return request.

To encourage buyers to have confidence when they make purchases from sellers, it is important to provide buyers with excellent service during the returns process. If the cost of a return (yours’ or the buyer’s) exceeds the value of the original product, consider reaching out to the buyer. In such cases, you may offer to let the buyer keep the original item and still receive a full refund.

If you do not provide an option for the buyer to keep the original product, and if they will be responsible for return shipping costs close to or exceeding the product’s value, we recommend you to contact the buyer to inform them about the shipping cost. If possible, offer credits, incentives (such as a discounted shipping rate), or both to provide a better experience. You can issue a concession in addition to or instead of refunding order amounts for any order. For more information, see Issuing Concessions.

If the buyer says the order never arrived, see What if a buyer says they did not receive their order?



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