
「新型冠状病毒」相关配套政策公告 (更新于:2020/4/9)因疫情影响,虾皮将做以下金流相关「暂时性」调整以利卖家弹性运用资金,所有调整为疫情期间之暂时性调整…








2. 为了让卖家于疫情影响期间可更弹性运用资金,虾皮将做以下金流相关「暂时性」调整





※此调整为暂时性调整,目前无法个别申请取消自动拨款作业, 请您见谅







4. 为配合政府协助「新型冠状病毒」防疫及维护学员健康权益,虾皮大学六月课程皆为直播方式进行,相关课程再请学员们持续关注!


Announcement on supporting policies related to “new coronavirus“

(Updated: 2020/4/9) Due to the impact of the epidemic, Xiaopi will make the following “temporary” adjustments related to the cash flow to facilitate the flexible use of funds for sellers. All adjustments are temporary adjustments during the epidemic, and will be announced later to resume related operations For time and process , please refer to points 1 and 2 below for details.

In response to the "new coronavirus", Xiaopi proposes the following related supporting policies, please pay attention to sellers!

1. Starting from 2020/4/17 (Fri.), the order entry date for "Mall and Preferred Sellers" will be shortened to 3 days (previously 15 days/7 days respectively) to speed up the funding schedule

Remind you again that the above adjustments are temporary adjustments during the epidemic, and we will announce the resumption of relevant operation time and procedures in the future .

※Remind you: Appreciation period specifications will not be affected by the adjustment of the grant date

Click me to learn more about the automatic completion date of the order & the calculation rule of the order/wallet credit date

2. In order to allow sellers to use funds more flexibly during the period of the epidemic, Xiaopi will make the following "temporary" adjustments to the cash flow

(1) For "all sellers", the total balance of the seller's shrimp wallet will be fully allocated from the system to your preset bank account within the next week from now on . This withdrawal is free of handling fees

(2) For "all sellers", a new two-week Wednesday automatic withdrawal from Shopee Wallet will be added. The first time will start on 2020/4/22 (Wed). This withdrawal is free of handling fees and will be charged in the current week No additional free withdrawals are provided; in addition, in the week when there is no automatic allocation , you still enjoy a free withdrawal of handling fees

※The calculation time for the number of free withdrawals is "return to zero every Monday at 00:00"

※If it shows that it has been dialed to a non-default account, Shopee will temporarily stop funding

※This adjustment is a temporary adjustment. It is currently not possible to apply for cancellation of the automatic funding assignment individually, please forgive me

Click me to learn more about the payment process

3. In response to the new type of coronavirus, sales of medical masks, please obtain a pharmacy license and relevant trade name in accordance with the law. At the same time, remind you that if there is a hoarding of relevant epidemic prevention materials or price hikes, it may be a violation of Article 61 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Law, Article 12 of the Special Regulations on the Prevention and Relief of Severe Infectious Pneumonia, and Article 251 of the Criminal Law. Be careful not to try the law by yourself. Shopee shopping will also be stepped up simultaneously to protect consumer rights.

Anyone who intends to increase the transaction price, hoards the aforementioned masks and should not sell them on the market without justifiable reasons, or hoards masks that have started to be requisitioned by hoarding or driving up prices, and the circumstances are serious, will be involved in Article 251, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 3 of the Criminal Law The crime of hoarding and hoarding goods for profit or the crime of hoarding and hoarding anti-epidemic materials under Article 61 of the Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Act shall be punished by fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or not more than seven years respectively.

Click me to learn about the specifications of the drug dealer's license and product license

Click me to understand the "new coronavirus" commodity control regulations

Press Announcement from the Legal Department

4. In order to cooperate with the government in assisting the prevention of the "new coronavirus" epidemic and safeguarding the health rights of students, Shopee University's June courses are all conducted in a live broadcast mode. Please continue to pay attention to relevant courses!



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