
从卖方中心删除买方的手机联系方式 从10月19日起,我们将从卖家中心和航空账单中删除买家的手机联系方式。我们已采取此措施来保护买方的隐私,因此仅在必要的情况下才…




我们强烈建议卖家通过Shopee App直接与我们的买家沟通,以帮助我们在发生任何订单纠纷时为您提供保护。 








Removal of Buyers’ mobile phone contact details from Seller Center

With effect from 19 October, we will be removing the mobile phone contact details of our buyers from the Seller Center and Airway bills. We have undertaken this measure to safeguard buyer privacy, and will therefore only be disclosing their private information under necessary circumstances. ie. order fulfillment purposes. 

Buyer privacy concerns have always been a key issue raised by our buyers due to information misuse.. Therefore, we have taken proactive measures in order to improve the buyer experience onboard our platform.

We highly encourage sellers to communicate with our buyers directly via the Shopee App, to help us protect you in case of any order disputes. 

How can I contact buyers in case buyers don’t indicate the correct item variation they prefer in the order comments?

When listing products, you should always use our Shopee listing variation feature to indicate the different variations of the product sold. This will reduce the time and effort required for buyers to input the correct variation required, and eliminate any potential scenarios which would require sellers to contact buyers in the event of misinformation.

How do we contact buyers in the event of stock out issues?

Sellers should always ensure that the stock count on Shopee is accurate to prevent overselling of items that are out of stock. In the event that the items are oversold, buyers should be contacted via Shopee chat. This is to ensure full compliance of our Shopee fulfilment policy whereby sellers should not request for buyers to cancel orders in the event that they are unable to fulfil them. 

Will the logistics company still be able to contact buyers during delivery? 

Logistics companies will still have access to buyer’s contact information as this is required for them to be able to successfully deliver the items. 



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