
请求豁免自动退货批准 您可以针对某些 SKU 请求豁免预付费退货。获得豁免的 SKU 不需要买家退回商品。 为预付费退货请求豁免 下载退货属性模板,然后按照文件…


您可以针对某些 SKU 请求豁免预付费退货。获得豁免的 SKU 不需要买家退回商品。


  1. 下载退货属性模板,然后按照文件中的说明操作。

  2. 为您的豁免选择相应的原因代码。

  3. 将模板另存为制表符分隔 (*.txt) 文件。确保在保存文件时显示【退货属性】选项卡。

  4. 转至退货设置页面,然后点击【退货属性调整】。

  5. 上传您的 (*.txt) 文件。


  1. 确定您的 SKU 是否属于【豁免】下的卖家自配送订单的预付费退货帮助页面上列出的分类之一。

  2. 下载退货属性模板。

    注意: 如果您保存并上传其他任何选项卡,则豁免请求将不能顺利通过。

    • 按照【说明】选项卡下的步骤准备您的退货属性模板。

    • 指出适用于相应 SKU 的豁免原因代码。

    • 在该模板中完成【退货属性】选项卡后,确保未应用任何 Excel 筛选条件,然后保存模板。在您的电脑上某个可访问的位置另存为 Excel 工作簿文件。这样您在上传模板后可以进行更改。

    • 将模板另存为制表符分隔 (*.txt) 文件,以便上传该文件。在保存之前,请确保【退货属性】选项卡是模板中显示的那个选项卡。

  1. 转至您的退货设置页面。

    • 点击【退货属性调整】链接。

    • 上传您之前保存的【退货属性】制表符分隔 (*.txt) 文件。


      注意: 在您的豁免请求等待审查期间,SKU 将被设置为其默认退货。如果豁免获得批准,商品退货请求将由人工批准处理。如果豁免遭拒,系统将会自动批准退货请求,您将收到一个预付费退货标签。



  1. 转至卖家平台中的【报告】选项卡,然后点击【退货报告】。

  2. 在【生成一次性报告】下,选择【豁免上传数据】。

  3. 输入您要检查的“退货属性”模板的批次编号。

  4. 处理完豁免上传数据后,请在【生成的报告】下下载 CSV,以查看 SKU 的状态。

注意: 您每次检查 SKU 的状态都需要生成一个新的豁免上传数据。


  • 如果结果表明该 SKU“已批准”,它将被设置为手动批准。如果结果表明该 SKU“未批准”,它将仍是计划的一部分并会被自动批准。

  • 当您的 SKU 在接受审查时,它将在豁免上传数据中显示为“已批准 - 临时”。如果已上传多个退货属性文件,则已批准的 SKU 将覆盖所有被拒绝的请求。

  • 如果在处理该 SKU 时出现错误,它将在豁免上传数据中显示为“已拒绝”。这并不意味着 SKU 已被拒绝,但您需要联系销售伙伴支持来寻求解决该问题的一些建议。

将 SKU 加入预付费退货

如果您成功豁免了一个不符合自动批准预付费退货要求的 SKU,那么您可以出于任何原因重新加入它。要将一个 SKU 重新加入预付费退货,只需提交请求即可。自动批准的退货无需批准即可立即生效。

  1. 在【退货属性模板】中的退货属性选项卡下,输入之前获得豁免批准的 SKU。

  2. 在【预付费标签】列 (B) 中标记“是”。将其他列留空。

  3. 将模板另存为文本(制表符分隔的 *.txt)文件。

  4. 转至退货设置页面,然后点击【退货属性调整】链接。

  5. 点击【上传文件】部分下的【选择文件】以上传您的豁免请求文件。


注意: 如果某个商品属于【不符合条件的退货】分类,则买家将不会针对此次退货收到预付费标签,无论是否请求免除此 SKU 的自动批准预付费退货都是如此。


Request exemption from automatic return approvals

You can request exemptions for certain SKUs from prepaid returns. Exempted SKUs do not require the product to be returned by the buyer.

Request exemption for a prepaid return

  1. Download the Returns Attributes template and follow the instructions in the file.

  2. Choose the appropriate reason code for your exemption.

  3. Save the template as a tab delimited (*.txt) file. Ensure you save the file while the ReturnAttributes tab is displayed.

  4. Go to the Returns Settings page and click Return Attribute Overrides.

  5. Upload your (*.txt) file.

Request exemptions in bulk

  1. Identify whether your SKU falls under one of the categories listed on the Prepaid returns for seller-fulfilled orders help page under Exemptions.

  2. Download the Returns Attributes template.

    Note: The exemption request will not go through properly if you save and upload any other tab.

    • Follow the steps under the Instructions tab to prepare your Returns Attribute template.

    • Indicate the exemption reason code the SKU falls under.

    • Once you have completed the ReturnAttributes tab in the template, ensure that no Excel filters are applied, and then save the template. Save as an Excel workbook file in an accessible location on your computer. This will allow you to make changes after uploading the template.

    • Save the template as a tab delimited (*.txt) file in order to upload the file. Ensure that ReturnAttributes is the tab displayed before you save.

  1. Go to your Returns Settings page.

    • Click the Return Attribute Overrides link.

    • Upload your ReturnAttributes tab delimited (*.txt) file that you saved before.

      To verify if you uploaded the exemption template correctly, view the "Upload History". Your submission also displays under Processing Report after it has been scanned for errors. You will get a message if there are any problems with the submission, such as an invalid reason code.

      Note: While your exemption request is pending investigation, the SKU will be set to its default returns. If the exemption is approved, your returns of that product will be handled by manual authorization. If the exemption is rejected, returns will be auto-authorized and will receive a prepaid return label.

Exemption request status

You can check the status of all your exemption requests in Seller Central. To download the Exemptions Status report

  1. Point to the Reports tab in Seller Central, and then click Return Reports.

  2. Under Generate one-time report, select Exemption feed.

  3. Enter the Batch ID of the Return Attribute template that you want to check.

  4. Once the Exemption feed has finished processing, download the CSV under Generated reports to view the status of your SKUs.

Note: You will need to generate a new Exemption feed each time you check the status of your SKUs.

Consider the following:

  • If the Decision states that the SKU was been "Approved," the SKU will be set to manual authorization. If the Decision states the SKU has been "Denied," the SKU will remain part of the program and will be automatically authorized.

  • While your SKU is being reviewed, it will show on the Exemption feed as "Approved - Temporary". If multiple Return Attribute files have been uploaded, any SKU that has already been approved will override all denied request.

  • If an error occurs with the processing of the SKU, it will show on the Exemption feed as "Rejected". This does not mean the SKU has been denied, but you will need to reach out to Seller Support for some tips in resolving the issue.

SKU opt-in for prepaid returns

If you have successfully exempted a SKU out of the auto-authorized prepaid returns requirement, you can opt it back in for any reason. To opt a SKU back into prepaid returns, simply submit the request. Auto-authorized returns do not require approval, they take effect immediately.

  1. Enter SKUs that have been previously approved for an exemption under the ReturnAttributes tab in the Returns Attributes template.

  2. Mark "Yes" in Pre-Paid Label column (B). Leave other columns blank.

  3. Save the template as a Text (tab delimited *.txt) file.

  4. Go to the Returns Settings page and then click on the Return Attribute Override link.

  5. Click on Select File under the Upload file section to upload your Exemption Request File.

For more information on this process, review the Instructions tab on the Return Attributes Template.

Note: If a product falls into the Ineligible Returns category, the return will not receive a prepaid label, regardless of the SKU being opted in or out.



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