
设置您的退货首选项 签署《“我要开店”服务商业解决方案协议》的亚马逊卖家必须提供与亚马逊退货政策同等或更加优惠的退货政策。您可以在【退货】选项卡上查看所适用的退…



注意: 专业卖家和个人卖家可以通过退货设置页面自定义退货选项。您可以通过点击“编辑退货设置”来更改现有退货设置。对设置进行任何更改后,点击“保存设置”按钮以保存更改。

对于加入亚马逊预付费退货标签 (PRL) 计划的专业卖家和个人卖家


【退货电子邮件设置】: 收到不符合政策的请求且加入 RPL 计划的专业和个人卖家应手动审核请求。当退货请求需要手动批准时,我们会向您发送一封电子邮件通知。此电子邮件中包含指向退货请求的“批准”、“关闭”或“回复”链接。

【自动批准退货请求】: 如果专业卖家和个人卖家已选择自动批准退货,亚马逊将自动批准符合政策的退货请求。我们会向买家发送一封带有指向由亚马逊生成的退货商品授权 (RMA) 编码的链接和退货货件标签的电子邮件。收到退货后,您仍需发放相应退款。

加入 RPL 计划的专业卖家可以使用以下选项之一设置默认退货请求授权规则:

  1. 【我希望亚马逊自动批准符合】亚马逊政策的退货请求并提供预付费货件标签。

  2. 【我希望亚马逊自动批准所有退货请求并在符合要求时提供预付费货件标签】。

  3. 【我希望亚马逊自动批准所有退货请求,并为退货期限延长的退货请求提供预付费货件标签】。

加入 PRL 计划的专业卖家和个人卖家可以选择延长符合亚马逊政策的默认退货期限。有关更多信息,请参阅关于我们的退货政策。

对于未加入亚马逊预付费退货标签 (PRL) 计划的个人卖家


【退货电子邮件设置】: 选择手动批准的个人卖家应手动审核请求。当退货请求需要手动批准时,我们会向您发送一封电子邮件通知。此电子邮件中包含指向退货请求的“批准”、“关闭”或“回复”链接。

【批准退货请求】: 未加入预付费退货标签计划的个人卖家将手动批准每个退货请求。

注意: 收到退货后,您仍需发放相应退款。

未加入 PRL 计划的个人卖家可以使用以下选项之一设置默认退货请求授权规则:

  1. 【我想要批准每个请求(手动批准)】: 如果豁免获得批准,商品退货请求将由人工批准处理。如果豁免遭拒,系统将会自动批准退货请求,您将收到一个预付费退货标签。

  2. 【我想要亚马逊自动批准符合亚马逊政策的所有请求】: 亚马逊将批准所有符合其发布的退货政策的退货请求。

    注意: 您可以针对自动批准选择一个自订单日期起的时间段(最长 30 天)。


    • 使用【下载列表】选项下载您当前的 SKU 列表。您可以通过上传包含受影响 SKU 的另一文件来添加更多 SKU 或更新现有 SKU。

    • 使用【查看历史记录】链接,了解您的上传历史记录并查看您已经上传的 SKU 文件的处理报告。访问“查看历史记录”部分,了解每个文件上传的状态。如果您在“查看历史记录”页面上看到处理错误,请参阅查看文件状态和历史记录。

  1. 【我想要亚马逊自动批准所有请求】: 亚马逊将自动批准每个退货请求。

    注意: 您可以针对自动批准选择一个自订单日期起的时间段(最长 30 天)。


下载 SKU 调整模板,并使用此模板创建您的退货属性调整文件。

输入文件包含一个 SKU 列表及其相关的操作。此文件包含两个用于定义标题的行,以及多个包含实际记录的行。每个记录均应包含一个 SKU 以及应对该 SKU 执行的一项操作,两个字段之间用一个制表符进行分隔。SKU 不应包含任何特殊控制字符,如换行符。SKU 最多不得超过 40 个字符。一个输入文件最多可以包含 50,000 个 SKU。要了解有关如何创建输入文件的更多详情,请参阅上述模板文件中的说明和示例数据。


Set your return preferences

Amazon sellers subject to the Business Solutions Agreement for the Selling on Amazon Service are required to match or exceed Amazon return policies. You can see your applicable returns policies on your Returns tab.

Note: Professional and individual sellers can customize return options using the Return Settings page. You can change your exisitng return settings by clicking Edit return settings. Save any changes to the settings by clicking Save settings button after you make any changes.

For professional sellers and individual sellers who are part of Amazon Prepaid Return Label (PRL) program

Amazon will automatically approve in-policy return requests. We provide customers with prepaid return shipping labels on your behalf through Buy Shipping Services. We only send you return requests that are outside of Amazon’s policy or exempt from this requirement for manual review.

Return email setting: Professional and individual sellers who are part of the PRL program that receive out-of-policy requests should review requests manually. We send an email notification to you when a return request requires manual authorization. This email contains links to authorize, close, or reply to a return request.

Automate the authorization of return requests: Amazon will automatically approve in-policy return requests for Professional sellers and Individual sellers who have opted to automatically authorize returns. We email the buyer a link to the Amazon-generated Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number and the return shipping label. You will still be required to issue refunds as appropriate once you receive the product back.

Professional sellers who are part of PRL program can set default return request authorization rules using one of the following options:

  1. I want Amazon to automatically authorize and provide a prepaid shipping label for return requests that meet Amazon policy.

  2. I want Amazon to automatically authorize all return requests and provide a prepaid shipping label when eligible.

  3. I want Amazon to automatically authorize all return requests and provide a prepaid shipping label for return requests with extended return window.

Professional sellers and Individual sellers who are part of the PRL program can choose to extend the default return window that meets Amazon policy. For more information, see About our return policies.

For individual sellers who are not part of Amazon Prepaid Return Label (PRL) program

Amazon will provide an option to automatically approve in-policy return requests. Alternatively, sellers may choose to manually authorize each return request.

Return email setting: Individual sellers that opt for manual authorization should review requests manually. We send an email notification to you when a return request requires manual authorization. This email contains links to authorize, close, or reply to a return request.

Authorization of return requests: Individual sellers who are not part of the Prepaid Returns Label program will manually approve each return request.

Note: You will still be required to issue refunds as appropriate once you receive the product back.

Individual sellers who are not part of the PRL program can set default return request authorization rules using one of the following options:

  1. I want to authorize each request (Manual authorization): If the exemption is approved, your returns of that product will be handled by manual authorization. If the exemption is rejected, returns will be auto-authorized and will receive a prepaid return label.

  2. I want Amazon to automatically authorize all requests that meet Amazon policy: Amazon will authorize all return requests that fall within the posted return policy.

    Note: You will receive a choice of the length of time from the order date (maximum 30 days) for automatic authorizations.

    You also have the choice of setting up overrides for the above defaults. You can do this by checking the Optional override checkbox, and then uploading an override file. Please see the Return Attribute Overrides file section below for more details on how to build this file. If you set up overrides, you can also take the following actions:

    • Use the Download List option to download your current list of SKU. You can add more SKUs or update existing SKUs by uploading another file with the affected SKUs.

    • Use the View History link to see the history of your uploads and view a processing report for the SKU files you have uploaded. Access the View History section to see the status of each file upload. If you see processing errors on the View History page, see Review file status and history.

  1. I want Amazon to automatically authorize all requests: Amazon will automatically authorize each return request.

    Note: You will receive a choice of the length of time from the order date (maximum 30 days) for automatic authorizations

Return Attribute Overrides file

Download the SKU Override Template and use it to build your Return Attribute Overrides file.

The input file consists of a list of SKUs, and their associated actions. This file has two rows that define the header, as well as multiple rows that contain the actual records. Each record should contain a SKU, and an action that you should take for that SKU, with a tab separating the two fields. The SKUs should not contain any special control characters, such as newline characters. SKUs can be at most 40 characters long. An input file can have a maximum of 50,000 SKUs. For more details on how to create an input file, please see the instructions and sample data in the template file above.



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