
查看文件状态和历史记录 创建退货属性调整文件 下载 SKU 调整模板,并使用此模板创建您的退货属性调整文件。 退货属性调整文件包含一个 SKU 列表及…



下载 SKU 调整模板,并使用此模板创建您的退货属性调整文件。

退货属性调整文件包含一个 SKU 列表及其相关的操作。此文件包含两个用于定义标题的行,以及多个包含实际记录的行。每个记录均应包含一个 SKU 以及应对该 SKU 执行的一项操作,两个字段之间用一个制表符进行分隔。SKU 不应包含任何特殊控制字符,如换行符。

SKU 最多不得超过 40 个字符。退货属性调整文件最多可以包含 50,000 个 SKU。要了解有关如何创建此文件的更多详情,请参阅上述模板文件中的说明和示例数据。



在您上传此文件后,亚马逊会生成一个处理报告,其中将显示每个 SKU 调整的状态。

处理报告是以制表符分隔的文本文件,您可以使用 Microsoft Excel 或记事本等程序打开并阅读此类文件。电子表格中包含数据的每一行均称为记录。在处理报告顶部,您会看到已成功处理和未成功处理的记录的一览。


               Feed Processing Summary: Number of records processed: 1045Number of records successful: 1030


原始记录编号您上传的原始文件中发生了错误的位置的行号。行 0 是指一般性的文件错误或标题错误,因此行 1 实际是指文件中的第 3 行,即具有实际数据的第 1 行。



41001严重错误文件太大。允许的最大文件大小是 60MB。
41002严重错误文件具有太多记录。允许的最大记录数是 50,000。
41004错误此行中没有 SKU。
41006错误此行中的 SKU 太长。最大长度为 40 个字符。
41007严重错误您已经超出上传配额,因此文件将不被处理。您可在 24 小时内上传 20 个文件。
41009错误此行包含错误的字段数。所有行均须包含 2 个字段。

注意: 退货属性调整上传历史记录仅包含过去 90 天内提交的调整文件。



Review file status and history

Build your Return Attribute Overrides file

Download the SKU Override Template and use it to build your Return Attribute Overrides file.

The Return Attribute Overrides file consists of a list of SKUs and their associated actions. This file has two rows that define the header, as well as multiple rows that contain the actual records. Each record should contain a SKU, and an action that you should take for that SKU, with a tab separating the two fields. The SKUs should not contain any special control characters, such as newline characters.

SKUs can be at most 40 characters long. A Return Attribute Overrides file can have a maximum of 50,000 SKUs. For more details on how to create this file, please see the instructions and sample data in the template file above.

Upload your Return Attribute Overrides file

Click on the Return Attribute Overrides link on the Return Settings page where you can upload the completed Return Attribute Override file.

After you upload this file, Amazon will generate a processing report that will indicate the status of each SKU override.

The processing report is a tab-delimited text file you can open and read in a program such as Microsoft Excel or Notepad. Each line in the spreadsheet containing data is referred to as a record. At the top of the processing report you see a summary of records that were or were not successfully processed.

For example:

               Feed Processing Summary: Number of records processed: 1045Number of records successful: 1030

If there are errors with individual records, you see the following information for each error:

original-record-numberThe row number in the original file you uploaded where the error occurred. Row 0 refers to any general file errors or errors with the header, therefore Row 1 is actually the 3rd row in the file, and the 1st row with actual data.
error-codeA number used by Amazon to identify the error message. This is the number to use when reviewing Error code explanations.
error-typeOne of two values: error or fatal. Errors refer to invalid data that affects only the specified record. Fatals refer to invalid data that affects the entire file. Fatals cause the entire file to not be processed.
error-messageA brief explanation of the error. The error message might suggest corrective measures.

After reviewing the error messages in the processing report, you can modify your Return Attribute Overrides file with any corrections. For more help in correcting the errors you receive, refer to the Error code explanations sections below.

Error code explanations

41001FatalThe file is too big. The maximum allowable file size is 60 MB.
41002FatalThe file has too many records. The maximum allowable number of records is 50,000.
41003FatalThe file is empty or all records in the file are invalid.
41004ErrorThere is no SKU in this row.
41006ErrorThe SKU in this row is too long. The maximum length is 40 characters.
41007FatalYou have exceeded the upload quota and therefore the file will not be processed. You may upload 20 files in a 24 hour period.
41008FatalThe header for this file is invalid. This could be due to a missing header, or the wrong columns defined in the header.
41009ErrorThis row contains the wrong number of fields. All rows must contain 2 fields.
41010ErrorThe action in this row is invalid. It must be AUTOMATIC, MANUAL, or DELETE.

Note: The Return Attribute Overrides upload history only includes override files submitted within the last 90 days.

Refer to Set your return preferences for additional information.



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