
国际销售订单的买家退货 为配送至 3 家北美商城(美国、加拿大、墨西哥)、日本以及 5 家欧洲商城(意大利、法国、德国、西班牙和英国)的买家订单处理国际退货时,…


为配送至 3 家北美商城(美国、加拿大、墨西哥)、日本以及 5 家欧洲商城(意大利、法国、德国、西班牙和英国)的买家订单处理国际退货时,您必须使用下列三种方法之一。


  • 退款不退货: 提供全额退款,而不要求退回商品

- 或 -

  • 提供国内退货选项: 提供位于买家所在国家/地区的当地退货地址。例如,如果您在 上销售商品,则需要提供英国境内的退货地址。如果您没有当地退货地址,则可以向解决方案提供商网络上的国际退货提供商寻求帮助。

  • 重要: 如果您为配送给美国境内买家的 订单选择此退货方式,则必须使用亚马逊的预付费退货服务,并且不能选择向美国买家提供自己的预付费退货货件标签。如果您选择此选项,必须在收到退货商品后的两个工作日内发放退款。请访问“卖家自配送订单的预付费退货”,了解更多信息。

- 或 -

  • 提供预付费国际退货配送标签: 为在您销售商品的商城中提交的退货申请提供您自己的预付费退货邮寄标签。例如,如果您在 上销售且发货地是中国,则需要为买家提供从德国到其所在地的退货标签。建议您在预付费退货配送标签中包含追踪编码。

重要: 对于国际退货,卖家始终应该承担退货运费,即使是买家存在过失的退货也不例外。如果您提供国内退货选项,则无需退还买家存在过失的退货的原始运费。对于卖家存在过失的退货,您仍旧必须退还原始运费。

注意: 自 2019 年 11 月 15 日起,如果您从境外配送美国的买家订单,则必须为不足 $10 的商品向亚马逊提供有效的美国退货地址。亚马逊将使用此地址针对符合条件的退货请求为买家生成预付费退货标签。如果未提供美国退货地址,亚马逊将为符合条件的退货向买家发放退款,而无需退回商品(退款不退货)。如果您没有当地退货地址,则可以向解决方案提供商网络上的国际退货提供商寻求帮助。


方法 1: 提供全额退款,而不要求退回商品:

  1. 从“订单”下拉菜单中,点击【管理退货】。

  2. 选择您要退款的退货,然后点击【发放退款】。

  3. 选择【买家退货】作为退款原因,然后发放全额退款。

  4. 关闭退货申请时选择【退款而不退货】作为原因,然后给买家留言。

    重要: 如果您要发放【退款而不退货】,则退款金额必须与退货的情况下完全相同。协商发放部分退款并不是一种退货选择。

注意: 对于配送给美国、英国和德国买家的订单,您可以根据商品价格、分类和退货原因自动退款,而不要求退货。要了解如何进行此设置,请访问“退款不退货”。

方法 2: 提供当地退货地址。更新您的当地退货地址:

  1. 从【设置】下拉菜单中,点击【账户信息】。

  2. 在“卖家账户信息”页面上,前往【发货和退货信息】部分,然后点击【退货信息】。 在【退货设置】页面上,点击【退货地址设置】。

  3. 选择现有当地地址作为默认退货地址,或者输入新的默认退货地址。

    注意: 这必须是您有权使用的有效地址。

  1. 点击【提交】。

注意: 如果您没有当地退货地址,则可以向解决方案提供商网络上的国际退货提供商寻求帮助。

退货方法 3: 为在您销售商品的商城中提交的退货申请:

  1. 从“订单”下拉菜单中,点击【管理退货】。

  2. 对于您要批准的退货申请,请点击【批准申请】。

  3. 在【退货邮寄标签】部分中,选择【我将为此申请提供预付费邮寄标签】。

  4. 上传退货标签,选择使用的承运人,然后输入追踪编码(如有)。

  5. 将退货标签成本设置为 0.00,以确保买家无需支付退货运费。



  • UPS

  • DHL














Customer returns for international sales

When processing an international return for orders that you ship to customers in the three North American marketplaces (United States, Canada, Mexico), Japan, and the five European marketplaces (Italy, France, Germany, Spain, United Kingdom), you must use one of the three methods listed below.

Return method options:

  • Returnless Refund: Offer a full refund without requesting that the item be returned

- OR -

  • Provide a Domestic Return Option: Provide a local return address in the buyer's country. For example, if you sell on, you will provide a return address in the United Kingdom. If you do not have a local return address, an International Returns Provider on the Solution Provider Network may be able to help.

Important: If you choose this return method for orders shipped to customers in the United States, you must use Amazon’s prepaid returns service and will not have the option to provide your own prepaid return shipping label to US customers. If you select this option, you must issue refunds within two business days of receiving the returned item. Visit Prepaid returns for seller fulfilled orders to learn more.

- OR -

  • Provide Prepaid International Return Shipping: Provide your own prepaid return mailing label for a return request from the marketplace in which you are selling. For example, if you are selling on and shipping from China, you will provide the customer with a return label from Germany to your location in China. We recommend that prepaid return shipping labels include tracking.

Important: For international returns, the cost of return shipping is always the seller’s responsibility, even for customer-fault returns. If you offer a domestic return option, you are not required to refund the cost of the original shipping for customer-fault returns. For seller-fault returns, you must also refund the cost of original shipping.

Note: Effective November 15, 2019, if you are fulfilling customer orders in the US from outside the US, you must provide Amazon a valid US return address for items under $10. Amazon will use this address to generate prepaid return labels for customers on eligible return requests. If a US return address is not provided, Amazon will issue the customer a refund for eligible returns without requiring the item to be returned (Returnless Refund). Our International Returns Provider on the Solution Provider Network may be able to help if you do not have a local return address.

How to offer each return method

Method 1: Offer a full refund without requesting that the item be returned:

  1. From the Orders drop-down menu, click Manage Returns.

  2. Select the return you would like to refund, and then clickIssue Refund.

  3. Select Buyer Return as the reason for the refund, and process a full refund.

  4. Close the returns request by selecting Refund without return as the reason for closing the request and provide comments to the customer.

    Important: If you are issuing a Refund without return, you must refund the exact amount had the item been returned to you. Negotiating a partial refund is not an alternative to a return.

Note: You can automate Refund without return for orders shipped to customers in United States, United Kingdom, and Germany based on item price, category, and return reason. To learn how to set this up, visit Returnless refunds.

Return method 2: Provide a local return address. To update your local return address:

  1. From the Settings drop-down menu, click Account Info.

  2. On the Seller Account Information page, in the Shipping and Returns Information section, click Return Information.On the Return Settings page, click Return Address Settings.

  3. Select an existing local address as your default return address or enter a new default return address.

    Note: This must be a valid address that you are authorized to use.

  1. Click Submit.

Note: If you do not have a local return address, an International Returns provider on the Solution Provider Network may be able to help.

Return method 3: Provide a pre-paid return mailing label for a return request:

  1. On the Orders drop-down menu, click Manage Returns.

  2. Click Authorize Request for the return request you would like to approve.

  3. In the Your return mailing label section, select I will provide a pre-paid mailing label for this request.

  4. Upload a shipping label, select the carrier used, and enter the Tracking ID if you have it.

  5. Set the return label cost to 0.00 to ensure the buyer is not charged for return shipping.

Alternatively, you can email the pre-paid return label to the customer from the Buyer-Seller Messages section of your Seller Central account.

Examples of providers of pre-paid labels include:

  • UPS

  • DHL

If we determine that you did not follow these requirements, we may pro-actively issue a refund to affected customers (allowing the customer to keep or discard the item).

As you consider how your customers will return items that they purchase from you, please keep the following options in mind:


For international returns, you are responsible for complying with all import and export obligations, and for payment of all applicable duties and customs fees.

Using Fulfillment by Amazon:

When you choose FBA, Amazon will handle local returns on your behalf for FBA orders in that marketplace, so you don't have to worry about providing a local return address. To learn more about FBA returns, see Customer Returns for Orders Fulfilled by Amazon.

Implementing restocking fees and offering partial refunds:

In certain situations, it is appropriate to charge the customer a restocking fee or offer a partial refund on the product being returned. Restocking fees or partial refunds must comply with Amazon's policies on returns, including for Returns and Restocking Fees.

Offering partial refunds:

In certain situations, it might be appropriate to offer a partial refund on the product being returned. Full refunds should be given for returns, cancellations and out-of-stock items. Partial refunds should only be performed as a goodwill gesture or for compensation/dispute resolution issues (for example, the item arrived slightly damaged or there were minor discrepancies in the product description) and are made at the discretion of the seller. If you decide to issue a partial refund, we recommend agreeing on this with the buyer in advance to help avoid misunderstanding or a possible A-to-z Guarantee claim.

Engaging a third-party International Returns Provider:

We have created a list of returns providers that can accept returns in your customers' countries. Depending on your sales volume and unit price, International Returns Providers may offer solutions that reduce the costs you incur when customers in other counties return your products. For example, some providers will consolidate returns and ship them back to you or ship them to another customer. Visit our Solution Provider Network for international return providers.



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