Shopee如何计算运费?NinjaVan & Speedpost Economy
Shopee计算Speedpost Economy运费
How are shipping fees calculated by Shopee? NinjaVan & Speedpost Economy
NinjaVan shipping fees calculated by Shopee
Shipping fees are calculated based on chargeable weight which is either the actual weight or volumetric weight of your product, whichever higher. Actual weight is taken from weight input in Seller Centre whereas volumetric weight is dependent on product dimensions of listing.
Volumetric weight = Length (cm) + Width (cm) + Height (cm)
Click here to see the shipping fee rate card
If the shipping fee is different from what was charged to the seller, it may be due to volumetric weight. Actual or volumetric weight, whichever higher will be used to calculate actual shipping fee. Thus, always remember to enter the correct weight and product dimensions when listing your products.
Please note that if you do not input any dimensions for your listings, the volumetric weight would not be applicable. As a result, final chargeable shipping fee by NinjaVan may not match the shipping fee calculated via Shopee's system.
Disclaimer: Final shipping fees charged might differ due to your packaging method.
**Please make sure you update the correct weight in your product listing to prevent escrow deduction. If the Actual Shipping Fee (ASF) calculated by NinjaVan is more than the Estimated Shipping Fee (ESF) in our system, the extra charges will be deducted from your escrow.*
SpeedPost Economy shipping fees calculated by Shopee
Speedpost Economy shipping fees are calculated based on weight only.
Click here to see the shipping fee rate card
Feel free to reach out to our Shopee customer support team at if you are unsure or think that the overcharges are not justifiable. You would need to provide proof of dispute, such as image or weight info.
Disclaimer: Final shipping fees charged might differ due to your packaging method.
*Please make sure you update the correct weight in your product listing to prevent escrow deduction. If the Actual Shipping Fee (ASF) calculated by Speedpost Economy is more than the Estimated Shipping Fee (ESF) in our system, the extra charges will be deducted from your escrow.*