
这篇文章介绍一下速卖通平台无法完成付款的原因(英文版)。 Why did my payment fail? lf your payment for an ord…


Why did my payment fail?

lf your payment for an order has failed, please check it is not due to the following situations:

Card security code failed

Please note that an incorrect card security code could cause payment failure. Card security codeis the short numeric code on the back of your credit card. Please verify that you have entered thecorrect card security code and try again.

Insufficient fund

lf you meet the insufficient fund error log when you make payment by credit card, please makesure that you have sufficient funds in your account and that payment for your order does not exceedyour credit limit.

Please also make sure you have used a Visa or MasterCard personal credit card to finish payment,because at present debit card or business card is unable to be supported.

The credit card type that we accept

When you choose Visa and MasterCard as payment methods,please make sure your Visa orMasterCard is a personal credit card. The following types of credit cards are currently unable to beaccepted: charge cards, business/commercial cards,Visa and MasterCard debit card.

Exceed limit

Please make sure the order amount does not exceed your credit card limit. Or the payment isunable to go through smoothly.

The 3-D security code failedPlease make sure that:

(1) Your credit card should be authorized by your credit card issuer to make an online paymentby activating 3-D Security Code.

(2) Your credit card has activated 3-D security code.If you have not activated 3-D Security Code,please contact your card issuer with this issue.

The 3-D Security Code for Visa is called Verified by Visa (VBV) and for Master Card is calledMasterCard Secure Code.



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