





下面附上一些与假发行业相关的Warm Tips作为示例。

1. Co-washing: Upon receipt of your new hair we highly recommend that you co-wash! Toproperly co-wash,use a Moroccan or Organ oil based CONDITIONER. Wash the hair in adownward motion using cool water.

2. DO NOT scrub the hair or shampoo it!

3. When washing the hair, keep it in the rubber band and only squeeze water from hair in a downward motion.

4. Use a wide tooth comb and gently comb from the tips of the hair up to the wefts while still wet.

5. NEVER comb or brush dry curly or wavy hair!

6. You should only wash your hair every 2 weeks using the same downward motion as you did with the co-washing.

7. We experience shedding with our natural hair so of course you should expect the same thing with your virgin extension!

8. To minimize shedding , please have seal your wefts before your order is shipped, or feel free to order a bottle of Weft sealant with your purchase!

9. We recommend that you allow your hair to air dry! This process extends the longevity of your extensions.

10. To control frizz, please use a pea sized amount of a frizz control product.

11. When curling or flat ironing your virgin hair,ensure that your stylist only uses Ceramic heating tools! This is a must!

12. Excessive heat on virgin hair will cause dryness, heat damage and or breakage.

13. For beautiful curls or waves without applying excessive heat, use flexi rods, or hair rollers.14. Curly and wavy hair can be straightened with the proper tools and techniques! It is recommended that you have a licensed stylist help you to achieve these styles.

15. To maintain your hair while sleeping , it is recommended that you wrap it for straight styles at night and place a satin bonnet to cover it. For curls and waves, twist or braid the hair andalso apply a satim bonnet to cover it.

16. DO NOT use products that contain sulfate or alcohol.

17. DO NOT use oily product on the hair, they tend to weigh the hair down.18. DO NOT sleep on wet hair!!!



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