
分享三个询盘回复的沟通模板。 1、因为物流风险,无法向买家国家发货时给出的回复 Dear X, Thank you for your inquiry. l am…



Dear X,

Thank you for your inquiry.

l am sorry to inform you that our store is not able to provide shipping service to your country.However, if you plan to ship your orders to other countries, please let me know; hopefully we canaccommodate future orders.

l appreciate for your understanding!


( Your name)


Dear X,

Thank you for shopping with us.

We have shipped out your order (order ID: xxx) on Feb.10th by EMS. The tracking number isxxx. It will take 5-10 workdays to reach your destination, but please check the tracking number forupdated information. Thank you for your patience!

lf you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

( Your name)


Dear X,

Thank you for your inquiry; I am happy to contact you.

We would like to confirm that we sent the package on 16 Jan, 2012.However, we were informedpackage did not arrive due to shipping problems with the delivery company. We have resent yourorder by EMS; the new tracking number is: XXX. It usually takes 7 days to arrive to your destination.We are very sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

lf you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

( Your name)


Dear X,

Thank you for your inquiry; I am happy to contact you.

Regarding your request, I am very sorry to inform you that we are not able to offer free samples.To check out our products we recommend ordering just one unit of the product (the price may be alittle bit higher than ordering a lot). Otherwise,you can order the full quantity. We can assure thequality because every piece of our product is carefully examined by our working staff. We believe trustworthiness is the key to a successful business.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me.

Best regards,

(Your name)



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