
成交手续费 虾皮购物自2020年10月1日00:00起于本平台成立的非商城卖场订单,将与卖家酌收成交手续费及金流服务费。收取细节如下: 1. 成交手续费 ⑴卖家…



1. 成交手续费


  • i.首页分类「女生衣着」、「男生衣着」、「女鞋」、「男鞋」、「女生包包/精品」、「女生配件」、「男生包包与配件」、「户外与运动用品」下第二层分类为「户外服饰/鞋/配件」、「运动鞋款」、「运动服饰/帽袜」的商品:商品成交单价× 数量× 3% = 成交手续费。单件商品最高收取成交手续费新台币(下同)600元。

  • ii.上述i类以外的商品:商品成交单价 × 数量 × 2% = 成交手续费。单件商品最高收取成交手续费400元。


⑶售出金额 = 商品原价 - 卖家提供之商品折扣及其折扣码






  • 商品A一件,首页分类属于 i 类之「女生衣着」,售出金额$400,运费$60,成交手续费为$400 x 3%=$12

  • 商品B一件,首页分类不属于 i 类,售出金额$20,900,运费$60,成交手续费为$20,000x 2%=$400

  • 商品A一件+商品B一件,售出金额为$21,300,运费$60,则成交手续费为($400x 3%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$412

  • 商品B两件,售出金额为$41,800,运费$60,则成交手续费为($20,000x 2%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$800

  • 商品C两件,首页分类不属于 i 类,一件$70,售出金额为$140,运费$60,则成交手续费为($70x 2%)+ ($70x 2%)=$2.8,四舍五入为$3

2. 金流服务费



  • 信用卡交易、街口支付之金流服务费:买家刷卡金额 × 2 % = 金流服务费。

    银行转帐、虾皮钱包、货到付款、虾拼晚点付之金流服务费:买家订单金额 × 1 % = 金流服务费。

  • 买家刷卡金额及买家订单金额包含商品成交金额及运费。

  • 卖家销售商品的价格,应内含金流服务费,不得以此名目向买家收取额外费用。如经检举或虾皮发现卖家有违反上述约定之情形,虾皮有权暂停或终止卖家帐户。


  • 商品A一件,首页分类属于i 类之「女生衣着」,售出金额$400,运费$60,成交手续费为$400 x 3%=$12,买家使用货到付款,金流服务费为为:( 400+60) x 1%=$4.6,四舍五入为$5。

  • 商品B一件,首页分类不属于i 类,售出金额$20,900,运费$60,成交手续费为400元,买家使用信用卡付款,金流服务费则为:($20,900×1件+60)*2 %=$419.2,四舍五入为$419。

  • 商品A一件+商品B一件,售出金额为$21,300,运费$60,则成交手续费为($400x 3%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$412 ,若买家使用货到付款,金流服务费则为:(400+20,900+60)x1%=$213.6,四舍五入为$214。



  • 手续费及金流服务费明细将显示在「我的」→「我的卖场」→「我的进帐」页面里的每笔订单入帐明细中。

  • 您也可透过电脑版「卖家中心」财务管理→「我的进帐」→「已拨款」→搜寻「指定区间」→「汇出报表」,检视每一笔交易的进帐详情


  • 虾皮平台系统内判定状态为取消之订单(包含买卖任一方取消之订单) ­

  • 退货退款的订单





1. 成交手續費


i. 首頁分類「女生衣著」、「男生衣著」、「女鞋」、「男鞋」、「女生包包/精品」、「女生配件」、「男生包包與配件」、「戶外與運動用品」下第二層分類為「戶外服飾/鞋/配件」、「運動鞋款」、「運動服飾/帽襪」的商品:商品成交單價 × 數量 × 3% = 成交手續費。單件商品最高收取成交手續費新台幣(下同)600元。

ii. 上述i類以外的商品:商品成交單價 × 數量 × 2% = 成交手續費。單件商品最高收取成交手續費400元。


⑶售出金額 = 商品原價 - 賣家提供之商品折扣及其折扣碼






  1. 商品A一件,首頁分類屬於 i 類之「女生衣著」,售出金額$400,運費$60,成交手續費為$400 x 3%=$12

  2. 商品B一件,首頁分類不屬於 i 類,售出金額$20,900,運費$60,成交手續費為$20,000x 2%=$400

  3. 商品A一件+商品B一件,售出金額為$21,300,運費$60,則成交手續費為($400x 3%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$412

  4. 商品B兩件,售出金額為$41,800,運費$60,則成交手續費為($20,000x 2%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$800

  5. 商品C兩件,首頁分類不屬於 i 類,一件$70,售出金額為$140,運費$60,則成交手續費為($70x 2%)+ ($70x 2%)=$2.8,四捨五入為$3

2. 金流服務費



信用卡交易、街口支付之金流服務費:買家刷卡金額 × 2 % = 金流服務費。

銀行轉帳、蝦皮錢包、貨到付款、蝦拼晚點付之金流服務費:買家訂單金額 × 1 % = 金流服務費。




  1. 商品A一件,首頁分類屬於i 類之「女生衣著」,售出金額$400,運費$60,成交手續費為$400 x 3%=$12,買家使用貨到付款,金流服務費為為:(400+60) x 1%=$4.6,四捨五入為$5。

  2. 商品B一件,首頁分類不屬於 i 類,售出金額$20,900,運費$60,成交手續費為400元,買家使用信用卡付款,金流服務費則為:($20,900×1件+60)*2%=$419.2,四捨五入為$419。

  3. 商品A一件+商品B一件,售出金額為$21,300,運費$60,則成交手續費為($400x 3%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$412 ,若買家使用貨到付款,金流服務費則為:(400+20,900+60)x1%=$213.6,四捨五入為$214。






  1. 蝦皮平台系統內判定狀態為取消之訂單(包含買賣任一方取消之訂單) ­

  2. 退貨退款的訂單


Transaction fee

Shopee Shop will collect transaction fees and cash flow service fees at the discretion of the seller for non-mall store orders established on this platform from 00:00 on October 1, 2020. The details are as follows:

1. Transaction fee

⑴The seller pays the handling fee according to the content of this article. The transaction handling fee is the fee that the seller needs to pay after the listed product is sold (after the order is completed) (rounded up to the nearest yuan). The calculation method is as follows:

i. Homepage category "Girls' Clothing", "Boys' Clothing", "Women's Shoes", "Men's Shoes", "Girls' Bags/Boutiques", "Girls Accessories", "Boys' Bags and Accessories", "Outdoor and Sports Goods" Commodities classified as "Outdoor Apparel/Shoes/Accessories", "Sports Shoes", and "Sports Apparel/Hot Socks" in the second layer under "": unit price × quantity × 3% = transaction fee. The maximum transaction fee for a single item is NT$600 (the same below).

ii. Commodities other than the above category i: commodity transaction unit price × quantity × 2% = transaction handling fee. The maximum transaction fee for a single product is 400 yuan.

⑵The maximum amount of a single product sold is NT$20,000 as the upper limit.

⑶Amount sold = original price of the product-discount and discount code provided by the seller

⑷The category of the product is set by the seller in accordance with the classification standards provided by the seller. If the product classification set by the seller is found to be wrong, the seller may unilaterally decide to change the product category, remove the product, or freeze the seller’s store depending on the situation.

⑸ Shipping costs are not included in the calculation: If the transaction amount of the product already includes the shipping cost, or the transaction method is free shipping, the transaction fee will still be calculated based on the transaction value of the product, and the actual shipping cost will no longer be deducted.

[Example] Commodity transaction amount: 560 yuan (commodity amount 500 yuan + shipping 60 yuan), the transaction fee will be calculated at 500 yuan, and the shipping fee is not included in the calculation.

⑹In principle, the unit price of commodity transactions is subject to the records of the Shopee system. If it is proved by facts that the actual transaction amount is higher than the transaction amount recorded by the Shopee system, the transaction fee will be charged based on the actual transaction amount.

For example:

  • One item of product A, the homepage category belongs to "girls' clothing" of category i, the sold amount is $400, the shipping fee is $60, and the transaction fee is $400 x 3%=$12

  • One product B, the homepage category does not belong to category i, the sold amount is $20,900, the shipping fee is $60, and the transaction fee is $20,000x 2%=$400

  • One product A + one product B, the sold amount is $21,300, and the shipping fee is $60, then the transaction fee is ($400x 3%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$412

  • Two pieces of product B, the sold amount is $41,800, and the shipping fee is $60, then the transaction fee is ($20,000x 2%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$800

  • Two pieces of product C, the homepage category does not belong to category i, one piece is $70, the sold amount is $140, and the shipping fee is $60, then the transaction fee is ($70x 2%) + ($70x 2%)=$2.8, rounded to $3

2. Gold flow service fee

In addition to the transaction fee, the cash flow service fee incurred by the buyer's payment is also borne by the seller.

The calculation method of the cash flow service fee is as follows:

Cash flow service fee for credit card transactions and street payment: the buyer's credit card amount × 2% = cash flow service fee.

Cash flow service fee for bank transfer, Xiaopi Wallet, cash on delivery, shrimp fight late payment: buyer order amount × 1% = cash flow service fee.

⑵The amount of the buyer's credit card and the amount of the buyer's order include the transaction amount of the goods and the freight.

(3) The price of the goods sold by the seller should include the cash flow service fee, and no additional fees may be charged to the buyer in this name. If the seller is found to have violated the above agreement after the report or by Shopee, Shopee reserves the right to suspend or terminate the seller's account.

For example:

  • One item of product A, the homepage category belongs to "girls' clothing" category i, the sold amount is $400, the shipping fee is $60, the transaction fee is $400 x 3%=$12, the buyer uses the cash on delivery, the cash flow service fee is:( 400+60) x 1%=$4.6, rounded to $5.

  • One product B, the homepage category does not belong to category i, the sold amount is $20,900, the shipping fee is $60, and the transaction fee is 400 yuan. The buyer uses a credit card to pay, and the cash flow service fee is: ($20,900×1 piece+60)*2 %=$419.2, rounded up to $419.

  • One product A + one product B, the sold amount is $21,300, and the shipping fee is $60. The transaction fee is ($400x 3%)+ ($20,000x 2%)=$412. If the buyer uses cash on delivery, the cash flow The service fee is: (400+20,900+60)x1%=$213.6, rounded up to $214.

Check handling fee and cash flow service fee

①How to check the handling fee and cash flow service fee details

The details of handling fee and cash flow service fee will be displayed in the account details of each order on the "My" → "My Store" → "My Payment" page.

You can also view the payment details of each transaction through the computer version of "Seller Center" Financial Management → "My Payment" → "Allocated" → Search "Specified Interval" → "Export Report"

②In the following two situations, the seller does not have to bear the transaction fee:

Orders that are judged to be canceled in the Shopee platform system (including orders cancelled by either party of the buyer or seller)

Refund order

Note: If the above two situations occur after the order determined by the Shopee system is completed, it is not in this range



声明: 该内容为作者独立观点,不代表《一号券》观点或立场,版权归原作者所有,未经允许不得转载。 《一号券》平台仅提供信息存储服务,如发现文章、图片等侵权行为,本站不承担侵权责任。 如对本稿件有异议或投诉,请联系:business@yihaoquan.com



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